Julie Shepherd

A smiling woman with shoulder-length blonde hair is sitting on a chair. She is wearing a black and white outfit, including a black cardigan, white shirt, and multiple pearl necklaces. She also has large white earrings, a beaded bracelet, and an Apple Watch.

Julie Shepherd

Principal and Client Service Manager

Julie has more than 20 years of experience working in client service for SYM. She manages the client service team across its five offices.

Her favorite part of the job is focusing on the client experience. She thrives on serving uncommonly well. She has a genuine heart for servanthood and feels that SYM is a special kind of family that lives this value.


A logo with a black and white color scheme, featuring the text "Financial Paraplanner" at the top. Below, the large letters "FP" are displayed, followed by "QP" in the bottom half. The text "Qualified Professional" is at the bottom.

Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional ™

Julie’s Words to Live By

God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Personal Pursuits

Julie cherishes time spent with her family. She stays busy attending the many activities in which her husband, children, and grandchildren are involved. 

Get Julie’s Help

As life events and stages demand adjustments to your financial plan, SYM’s mission is to proactively attend to your financial realities as your advocate so that you can focus on relationships and enjoying life. To have SYM Financial Warsaw work for you call 800-888-7968 or email info@sym.com.