Wealth Planning

Logo featuring the text "SYM Investment Fundamentals Part 2." Above the text, there is a stylized hand placing colored blocks in a grid, symbolizing strategic stock market planning.

Investment Fundamentals Part 2. Our Marvelous Markets.

In our last piece, we wrote about how recency bias can damage your investments by causing current crises to loom large, while rewriting your memories of past challenges. Recency tricks us into overpaying during heady times, and bailing at bargain rates, when our confidence fades. One of the best ways to combat recency bias is by focusing instead on the fundamentals that have served investors well for centuries, if not millennia. In this series, we’ll

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A logo with the text "SYM Investment Fundamentals Part 1." The design includes an illustrated hand placing blocks in a grid, suggesting the concept of building or organizing investments.

Investment Fundamentals: Remembering Years Past.

“There were so many big events competing for our attention this last year …,” said nearly every investor, almost every year, ever. We’re not making light of last year’s uncertainties. Inflation is real and lingering; we can’t rule out the possibility we’ll still see a recession instead of the hoped-for soft landing (although neither has been reported yet). Heightened levels of market volatility across stock and bond markets alike may have left you once again

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Image of the U.S. Capitol building against a clear blue sky with the text "THE SECURE ACT 2.0" written on the right side.

What’s in the SECURE 2.0 Act?

How will the Secure 2.0 Act affect your retirement? The original SECURE Act was signed into law on December 20th, 2019. Its “sequel,” the SECURE 2.0 Act, was just enacted at year-end on December 29th, 2022. Both pieces of legislation seek to reform how Americans prepare for retirement while juggling current spending needs. How, when, or will each of us retire? How can government incentives, regulations, and safety nets help more people safely do so—or

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A green road sign reads "Time to Retire?" with a picturesque sunset and clouds in the background. The sun is partially visible, creating a warm and serene atmosphere, inviting thoughts of exiting corporate life for something more tranquil.

Life 2.0: Financial Considerations When Exiting the Corporate Life

If you’re a C-suite executive who plans on exiting the corporate life, you may want to take your foot off the proverbial accelerator. While visions of sipping a margarita by the beach alongside your loved ones may be filling your daydreams, we also know you’d like the peace of mind that financial security brings when you do make your departure. Before making life-altering decisions like retirement or career changes, you’ll want to make sure your

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Illustration of a healthcare concept with a clipboard and medical supplies. A text overlay from SYM Financial Advisors explains that married couples aged 55 who are "healthy" may spend more on healthcare costs over their lifetimes than a 55-year-old with "fair" or "poor" health.

Hidden Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Most people begin to form a picture of what they’d like their retirement to look like as the years progress. They may have a good sense of where they want to live, who they want to spend their time with, and what activities they’d like to enjoy. While some aspects of this hypothetical “retirement brochure” can have costs reasonably estimated, there are other items that are less concrete, or that may get overlooked altogether. One

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A bar graph titled "Equity Compensation" by SYM Financial Advisors displays the executive compensation mix from 2018-2020 for named executive officers at Russell 3000 companies, with annual revenues between $25-$49.9 billion. Categories include base salary, annual bonus, stock awards, and other forms of compensation.

Understanding Equity-Based Compensation Packages: The Most Common Questions (FAQ)

Equity-based compensation is a powerful engine for wealth creation, but only if it is navigated thoughtfully and diligently. Managed improperly, it can just as easily become an engine for frustration, unease, or despair. As an executive’s career and compensation advance, there are more complexities to taxes, retirement planning, and wealth management goals to consider. Here are some of the most common questions executives have regarding the evolving terrain of their equity compensation packages: What is

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