Wealth Planning

An infographic by SYM Financial Advisors shows a brain split into two sides: the left labeled "Logical Side" with analytical questions, and the right labeled "Emotional Side" with impulsive statements. The bottom line advises leaning on a financial plan and building emergency savings for decisions.

The Cost of Emotions in Financial Decisions

You might think that the hardest financial decisions are knowing which investments to pick, mitigating downside risk, or understanding how taxes might impact your returns. But there is one thing that can derail your investment portfolio even faster than poor investment choices and tax mistakes. That is the voice inside your head. On the surface, our daily thoughts and emotions may seem trivial. However, they can trick us into chasing after investments that don’t make

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A table from SYM Financial Advisors titled "Emergency Savings: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." It lists the benefits of emergency savings (green bag), average costs of emergencies (orange bag), and disadvantages of high-interest loans (red bag). Includes sources.

Keeping up with Emergency Savings, No Matter What

There are many good reasons why financial experts recommend building an emergency savings fund. Having a dependable reserve of money can allow anyone to handle unplanned expenses without relying on credit cards or loans. And for some, emergency savings can even make a difference between leaving a toxic job or relationship — or getting stuck in a bad situation for months, years, or even decades. In this post, we’ll talk about how emergency savings can

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An infographic by SYM Financial Advisors titled "Tax Time Checkup" shows that 62% of Americans expect a tax refund. It details how they plan to use it: 54% on savings, including emergency savings, 32% on debt, 27% on daily expenses, 12% on home improvement, 10% on major purchases, 8% on vacation, and

Next Year’s Income Tax Planning Starts Now

Whether you are the type to submit your tax filing early or you wait until the April 15th deadline, there are ways to make the annual necessity easier on yourself. Income tax filing doesn’t have to be a frantic race. If you develop the right habits now, you can take small steps all year long, which will make the tax-filing project much simpler. That can lead to a quicker, smoother filing — and can potentially

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A shattered green Christmas ornament lies on a plain surface. The ornament, decorated with white and silver stripes and patterns, is broken into several pieces, with the top part still partially intact and the rest fragmented into small shards.

Best of Holiday Mishaps and Misadventures

The holidays are supposed to be just like the joyful, cozy pictures of fireside smiles and perfect cookies that we see in magazines… But we all know that in real life, they can turn awkward and hysterical faster than you can say “Oh Santa!”  Have you ever experienced a less-than-perfect holiday? The SYM team shares some of their most memorable mishaps.  Turkey Got Runover by a Grandma “A couple of days before Thanksgiving, Grandma was

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The image shows the words "Taxes 101" handwritten in black marker on a yellow, lined notepad.

Taxes 101

The Difference between Marginal and Effective Tax Rate Do you know the difference between marginal and effective tax rates? This was a topic that didn’t get a lot of attention until 2007, when billionaire Warren Buffett expressed his frustration with the fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. Buffett learned this after he conducted a survey of his employees and discovered they were paying an average of 32.9% — compared to his

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A bright yellow road sign with the text "TAX LAW CHANGES" is set against a background of a partly cloudy blue sky.

Tax Law Changes: What You Need to Know Today

What’s the one thing that is trickier than tax law? That’s right. Tax law changes! Especially those that happen in the final quarter of the year, giving both tax preparers and tax planners sleepless nights pouring over the fine print and strategizing for their clients. This year may prove to be no exception, as the “American Families Plan” tax proposal is moving through the legislative process. At the time of this writing, the proposal is

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