Marriage, Divorce & Family

A promotional graphic for SYM Financial Advisors' podcast, EMPowHER, dedicated to financial prowess for women and inheritance matters. Hosted by Michelle Hipskind, CFP®. EP2 Michelle Hipskind. To the right is a woman with shoulder-length hair, wearing a white top and green jacket, smiling.

Inheriting Financial Relationships

In this episode of the EmpowHER Podcast, Michelle Hipskind, a certified financial planner, discusses the phenomenon of women inheriting investment portfolios and being dissatisfied with their financial advisors. She notes that 70% of women who inherit responsibilities for an investment portfolio want to switch to someone they are more comfortable with. Michelle provides five important questions to ask a financial advisor to ensure transparency and to guarantee that the advisor is acting as a fiduciary.

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Podcast cover for "EmpowHer: Financial Prowess for Women" by SYM Financial Advisors. Text reads: "Hosted by Michelle Hipskind, CFP. EP1 Heidi Adair discussing probate problems." Featuring an image of a smiling woman with shoulder-length hair.

Navigating the Nightmare of Probate with Heidi Adair

Heidi Adair is a partner at Beers Mallers whose legal practice is focused in the areas of Estate Planning and Elder Law. She is certified as an Estate Planning & Administration Specialist by the Indiana State Bar Estate Planning and Administration Specialty Certification Board. Heidi regularly advises clients regarding the protection of assets through the use of advanced Estate Planning and Elder Law planning. She has counseled numerous families regarding wills, Revocable Living Trusts, and

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A person wearing glasses examines a computer screen filled with lines of code. The code is reflected in the glasses, highlighting the details of the text, including the word "PASSWORD" visible on the screen. The focus is on the tech-related activity, emphasizing cyber security measures.

Cyber Security and Your Digital Assets

Cybersecurity is a complex topic.  In many ways, it’s like investing.  There are lots of ways to do it, it can be really confusing without good information, and reliable advice from a knowledgeable source is critical. And if you don’t do it right, you are likely to lose your money.  Each individual and business is different; the tools and techniques necessary to protect them vary dramatically.  An online search may render some “top ten steps”

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Geometric design with overlapping shapes in green, blue, teal, and purple. The center text reads "The Owner's Corner." Bottom text reads "SYM Financial Advisors" on the left and "EP11 Denny and Kim Fuller" on the right. Highlighting the values of a family owned business.

Working Together in a Family-owned Business and a Family-founded Nonprofit with Denny and Kim Fuller

Denny and Kim Fuller are the former owners of Little Crow Foods, a food company established in 1903. Denny and Kim became the fourth-generation owners of Little Crow Foods after acquiring it in 1983 and managed its operations until the company’s exit from the food industry in 2012. They have been volunteering their time and entrepreneurial skills to the Humanity and Hope United Foundation following the sale of Little Crow Foods. Founded by Denny and

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An older woman with short gray hair, a female investor in a black suit, is speaking while two younger colleagues, a woman in a light blue shirt and a man with a beard, listen attentively. They appear to be in a professional setting.

Building Financial Intelligence for the Female Investor

Perhaps you, like many women, have 1001 tasks on your plate, like managing your career, raising children, and caring for aging loved ones.  Those responsibilities can push financial decision making to the bottom of your to-do list. Growing your financial knowledge allows you to protect yourself – both for your ideal retirement, and in the case of unexpected life events.  Building relationships with professionals you trust and gaining a working understanding of financial planning basics

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A pink piggy bank with a sad facial expression is being squeezed tightly by a large clamp. The clamp has a red and blue handle, suggesting financial pressure or constraints reminiscent of the recession in 2022. The background is plain white.

Recession 2022: Prepare your Finances for Any Scenario

Between the rising gas prices and the conflict in Ukraine, even the most optimistic among us are feeling a bit of anxiety. Recent stock market volatility has contributed to the worries. Spokespeople in the media have begun to talk about entering bear market territory. Has the Fed done so much to combat inflation that the economy is headed into Recession 2022 instead? It is true that the U.S. has successfully produced economic rebounds in the

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